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The 24" Parasol mold and preparations for making the shade.


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The fiberglass mold  - this is the form on which the lamp will be constructed. 

It is made by Dr.Grotepass- Studios in the early 90`s. 

The engraved lines on the mold have been signed with an "Edding" to make sure, that lines keep visable when GSE BEESWAX is on it's surface later.

Here is the 360° layout of the pattern on the lighttable. This kind of patterns are made by GSE, too. 

GSE also makes 360° patterns for all other GSE and Odyssey lamp forms. 
The 360° layout is a large sheet of clear plastic film, which has the all overall pattern printed on it. Every single glass piece has it's own spot. 

This kind of layout was used at Tiffany-Studios  New York, this is handed down on old photos. 
It  alows control on colors and transition of colors in the shade.

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